The Fox Head Industrial Park is located off of Greens Road (T-394) in Kersey, PA. The site is 7 miles from SR 255 (Million Dollar Hwy.), along RT. 948 (Fairview Rd). The initial footprint is home to SinterFire Inc, Modern Industries and Checon. The expansion portion is home to Dinsmore Welding and Universal Machine Repair (UMR) with one additional lot still available for purchase and development.
Interested developers should know that all the infrastructure is in place, including public water and sewage, Township-maintained roads and the stormwater system. A single stormwater pond was designed to support the entire expansion site. Individual developers can simply tie their stormwater system into this pond with no need to construct their own.
If you are looking for a site for your business, the Fox Head Industrial Park is a great place to consider. Prices on the lots are negotiable but always reasonably priced. Developers are responsible for tap-on fees and laterals for utilities, as well as any site preparation and permits that may be needed.
If interested in developing in the Fox Head Industrial Park, contact Randy Gradizzi at (814) 885-8450 ex. 1 for more information. The Fox Township Board of Supervisors will be happy to meet with you to discuss your project.
To view the survey map of the available lot, click link:
Take a Look at the terrain. View the survey map overlaid on aerial photo.
Businesses within the Fox Head Industrial Park must follow the provisions of a Protective Covenant for the park.